Ching-chih Wang (2023, Jul). The Empire Rows Back: The Postcolonial Utopia in Sharon Bala’s The Boat People. 11th International Conference on Research in Behavioral and Social Sciences, 21-23 July. , 丹麥哥本哈根. nstc 111-2410-H-305-068. 本人為第一作者.
Ching-chih Wang (2019, Sep). Music as A Way to Survive: Madeleine Thien's Do Not Say We Have Nothing. The Importance of Well-Being: The Representation of Health and Health-Promoting Environments in Literature and Art, Bugni di Lucca, Italy. 本人為第一作者.
王景智 (2018, Jan). “The Legitimacy of Japanese Imperialism in Kazuo Ishiguro's Pacific War Stories”. 2018 AALA (Asian-American Literature Association, Japan) Meeting Special Session: “Kazuo Ishiguro and Trans-Bordering Asian British/American Literature.”(特別セッション:「カズオ・イシグロと越境するアジア系英米文学」), 日本神戶. 本人為第一作者.
王景智 (2017, Apr). Legacy of Japanese Imperialism in Tan Twan Eng’s Garden of the Evening Mists . History, Story, Narrative: The Asian Conference on Literature, Kobe, Japan. 本人為第一作者. 改寫成中文投稿英美文學評論,12/2018 已刊登.
王景智 (2016, Aug). A Network of Deceptions: Re-membering Violence in The Garden of Evening Mists. 歐洲英文研究學會2016 蓋威年會: 全球化與暴力, Galway, Ireland. 本人為第一作者. 已投稿東吳外語學報,12/2016,審查中.