Hu, Chia-yin and Hui-ru Tsai. 2023. AI-assisted EFL Courses Student Achievement and the Perception of AI Use. Paper presented at the 2023/32nd International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching (ETA-ROC), Taipei, Taiwan, November 11-12.
胡佳音. 2022.〈實體併線上同步混成教學模式與學習活動:以「英語會話」課程為例〉,第二屆跨領域視野下的學與用學術研討會,國立臺北大學,新北市三峽,12月2-3日。
Hu, Chia-yin. 2022. The New Normal of Language Teaching and Learning, or is it? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Post-Covid Foreign Language Pedagogy. Paper presented at the 39th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning. New Taipei City, Taiwan, July 15-16.
Hu, Chia-yin. 2020. Look at me. Don't look away: A systemic functional-multimodal discourse analysis of gaze in online course videos. Paper presented at 2020 TESPA International Conference on English for Specific Purposes. Taipei City, Taiwan, Oct. 16-17.
Hu, Chia-yin. 2019. Peer collaborative writing: A comparative review and a look ahead. Paper presented at the 2019/28th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 9-10.
Hu, Chia-yin. 2018c. A section-specific medical academic word list (SSMAWL): A Corpus-based investigation. Poster presented at the 2018 International Conference on English Teaching and Learning (ROC-TEFL), Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 18-19.
Hu, Chia-yin. 2018b. Driving Forces of Synthetic-Analytic Systemic Shift in Chinese: Insights from Ditransitive Verbs and Constructions. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-26) & the 20th International Conference on Chinese Language and Culture (ICCLC-20), Wisconsin, U.S.A., May 4-6.
Hu, Chia-yin. 2018a. Tense and Aspect in English Reporting Clauses in Integral Citation Forms. Poster presented at the 2018 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT), Taipei, Taiwan, Apr. 20-21.
胡佳音. 2017b. 〈聲學軟體PRAAT於華語聲調教學之運用:以聽辨能力提升作為初探〉,「第十二屆世界華語文教學研討會」暨「第十屆世界華語文研究生論壇」,國立暨南國際大學,南投, 12月14-17日。
Hu, Chia-yin. 2017a. Information Structure in English, Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese Southern Min: Argument Realization of Ditransitive Objects. Paper presented at the 29th Annual North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-29), New Brunswick, N.J., Jun. 16-18.
Hu, Chia-yin. 2011d. A Synchronic and Diachronic Investigation of the Multifunctional hoo7 in Southern Min. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Min, Taipei, Taiwan, November 5-7.
胡佳音. 2011c.〈台灣閩南語遠指位移動詞「去」的歷時發展〉,日本中國語學會第61屆年會,松山大學,日本,10月29-30日。
Hu, Chia-yin. 2011b. A Diachronic Investigation of the Grammaticalization of SAY Verbs in Southern Min. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL-7), Venice, Italy, September 13-15.
Hu, Chia-yin. 2011a. A Diachronic Investigation of the Grammaticalization of hoo7 in Southern Min. Paper presented at the International Conference on Historical Linguistics XX (ICHL20), Osaka, Japan, July 25-30.
胡佳音. 2010e.〈臺灣閩南語與共通語雙賓擴展式之方言對比研究〉,日本中國語學會第60屆年會,神奈川大學,日本,11月13-14日。
Hu, Chia-yin. 2010d. A Diachronic and Typological Study of Chinese Extended Ditransitive Constructions. Paper presented at the 7th International Symposium on Ancient Grammar (ISACG-7), Roscoff, Bretagne, France, September 17-18.
Hu, Chia-yin. 2010c. A Corpus-based Comparative Study of the Chinese “gei NP VP” Construction and its English Equivalents. Paper presented at the 2010 Student Workshop on East Asian Linguistics (SWEAL-2010), National Tsing Hua University, HsinChu, Taiwan, Aug. 2-3.
Hu, Chia-yin. 2010b. Chinese and English Purposive Constructions: A Case Study of the English Translation of CAO XUEQIN’s HONG LOU MENG. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual International Conference on Philology, Literatures and Linguistics, Athens, Greece, July 12-15.
Liu, Meichun and Chia-yin Hu. 2010a. The V-si Alternation: A Case of Thematic Conversion. Paper presented at the 12th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-12), Taipei, Taiwan, June 19-21.
胡佳音. 2009c.〈台灣閩南語的非賓格動詞〉,日本中國語學會第59屆年會,北海道大學,日本,10月24-25日。
Hu, Chia-yin. 2009b. Argument Realization of Mandarin Ditransitive verbs: Interactions of Lexical Semantics, Syntax and Discourse. Poster presented at International Symposium on Chinese Syntax and Semantics, HsinChu, Taiwan, August 22-25.
Liu, Meichun, Chia-yin Hu and Pei-yu Liao. 2009a. Bridging Different Predicational Frames: The Semantic Shift of Mandarin Emotion Verbs “ke+V”. Paper presented at 2009 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2009 CLSW), Yantai, China, July 27-31.
胡佳音. 2008c. 〈再論華語「勝」、「敗」問題:由動詞組外罩理論出發〉,第二屆世界華語文教學研究生論壇,高雄師範大學,臺灣,10月3-4日。
Hu, Chia-yin. 2008b. Constructions out of Constructions: A Case Study of choe3-chit8-e7 and chit8-e7-ku2 Constructions in Taiwanese Southern Min. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG-5). Austin, Texas, September 26-28.
Liu, Meichun, Chia-yin Hu and Shunchia Huang. 2008a. A Study on 羨慕死我了 Construction. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL). Beijing, May 31-June 2.
Liu, Meichun and Chia-yin Hu. 2007e. Conceptual Schema of the Cognition Domain: Interrelationship among Classes of Cognition Verbs. Paper presented at the 2007 International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (2007 ICLC), Kraków, Poland, July 15-20.
Hu, Chia-yin. 2007d. Domain-Specific Conceptual Schema of the Cognition Domain: A Frame-based Study of Mandarin Cognition Verbs. Poster presented at 2007 National Conference on Linguistics (2007 NCL), Tainan, Taiwan, June 2-3.
Liu, Meichun and Chia-yin Hu. 2007c. Why ‘P-C-U Verbs’: Semantic Motivation for Grammatical Symmetry. Paper presented at the joint conference of the 15th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL) and 19th Annual North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL), New York, May 25-27.
Liu, Meichun and Chia-yin Hu. 2007b. Conceptual Schema as Semantic Link: A Frame-based Study of Mandarin Cognition Verbs. Paper presented at 2007 Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (2007 CLSW), Hong Kong, May 21-23.
Liu, Meichun and Chia-yin Hu. 2007a. Conceptual Link between Perception, Emotion and Cognition: Insight from Mandarin verbs. Paper presented at the First Conference on Language, Discourse and Cognition (CLDC-1), Taipei, Taiwan, May 18-19.